Project Reference: 2019-1-LT01-KA204-060453
Programme: Erasmus+
Start date: 01-10-2019
End date: 31-03-2022
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Countries covered: 5
Creativity and culture – Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development) – Regional dimension and cooperation
Materials: Leaflet_KURK, Article for Epale
“Interactive and creative learning of adults: exchange of good practices” Erasmus+ strategic partnership is 24 months project designed by partners from Lithuania, Estonia, France, Italy and Portugal. Partners will support of extending and developing the competences of educators and other personnel who support adult learners. Supporting educators in their learning process and by exchanding and providing new teaching materials this project partners also will support adults learners as final beneficiaries what is priority for Erasmus+ Programme.
In XXI century some competencies are becoming more important than others. Nowadays employee should have the competencies which could be used in various contexts and would allow flexibility to adapt to changing conditions. Next to common (usual) competencies nowadays employers also pay special attention to employees’ personal qualities and values. Such trend is visible not only in Lithuania, but in all European Union. In 2016 the research conducted in Lithuania revealed that in employers’ opinion graduates need stronger skills in ability to make decisions (84%), analytical thinking (77%) and creativity (59%). According to employers confederation, one of the most needed/wanted skills – employees’ creativity will be on 2020.
This strategic partnership project aim is to share good practice examples in interactive and creative learning of adults. Partners will develop “Creativity training methodology” E-Book – a sustainable training tool for adult trainers which will be one of tangible results of this project. The main project approach is targeted through non-formal learning methods which aim at enhancing the creativity skills and competences of adult educators and final beneficiaries – adult learners – who are the main target groups in this project.
The objectives of the project are:
– to share good practices among project partners,
– to increase professional development of adult educators,
– to collect and develop methods for the project E-Book,
– to develop and reinforce EU networks for adult teaching and learning,
– to enrich the network of adult education providers in partners’ countries and Europe.
Partners plan to reinforce networks, increase the capacity to operate at transnational level, share ideas, practices and methods based on European cooperation. This project should be carried out transnationally as one of the main aim is the exchange of good practices between European countries. The project brings added value at EU level through results that would not be attained by activities carried out in a single country because it is difficult to learn and compare the good practices of different countries without living and being a part of it.
Project activities will include:
– organisation of three transnational meetings and regular local activities;
– preparation and implementation of two short-term joint staff training events;
– collection of teaching materials in “Creativity training methodology”;
– monitoring and evaluation process;
– dissemination of project results.
Impact on the participants will be seen on improvement of knowledge of educators about creativity training methods. They will have opportunity to learn about new methodology which they can later use with adult learners. Partners will increase EU project management competencies. They will tighten their cooperation, exchange of good practices and experiences. The project will contribute to increasing adult learners creativity competencies. After participating in the local trainings, they will have possibility to explore and find their hidden talents. Learners with fewer opportunities, particularly unemployed, national minorities, migrants will be actively involved to the project activities, bringing their experience and competencies into the project. Learning and training activities will give the added value for them and for achievement of the project objectives. Partners plan that more then 100 participants will be involved in this project and 50 of them with fewer opportunities.
The potential longer term benefits of this project will be in its sustainability. Project materials will be available in digital form for use to wider audience. Partners will continuously organise workshops and trainings after the project life cycle in their own organisations and also in other adult education organisations, in non-formal and informal ways. Examples of good practices will be shared among different target groups. Partners plan to develop a new Erasmus+ and other projects in the future, and continue working on creativity in adult education and to support social and educational values of non-formal education.